About the Office of Medical Research and Innovation (OMRI)
The WA health and medical research website is managed by the Office of Medical Research and Innovation (OMRI) at the Department of Health. OMRI plays a pivotal role in advancing health and medical research and innovation within WA Health and the broader Western Australian sector. It also supports the operations of the Future Health Research and Innovation (FHRI) Fund.
OMRI guides, informs, and promotes collaboration across the WA health and medical research and innovation sector. By developing strategic research and innovation policies, OMRI drives progress in the field. Additionally, it provides intellectual property (IP) management support for WA Health, offering advice on seed funding and potential commercialisation of new technologies and research outputs.
This website provides an overview of the entire Western Australian health and medical research sector, which spans government, universities, health care, medical research institutes, and a range of industry services, start-ups, companies and networks. It is designed to be an entry into WA’s thriving sector, to connect the many organisations, and to champion our state’s health and medical research and innovation strengths and opportunities.